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What's My Story?

I can't believe that it's been over two years since I updated this section. After each update I like to leave what I had previously written as a comparison and to see if any feelings have changed. Writing this section also gives me time to reflect on where I see my art and my life and what I think may be next, although sometimes it's nice not to know what is round the corner for you! 


What hasn't changed in two years is that  I still firmly believe that everyone is shaped by their own experiences and everyone has something different to bring to the table. I also believe even more strongly between the connection of wellbeing and the arts and have seen this in action through my own painting workshops where participants have grown in confidence as a result of my teaching.  I have felt this connection on a personal level too, for example when I sell a piece of artwork that resonates strongly with someone on an emotional level.  I still can't quite believe it when something I have created produces such a strong response in someone and I hope that feeling never changes. 

My last update in this section was in February 2022. At that point I had just left my permanent teaching position to pursue my art career. I signed myself up to be on the supply list to support myself financially whilst I was just figuring out what my 'art career' would look like. Did I make any mistakes at that time? Yes I most certainly did. Was it financially viable to take part in an art exhibition in Devon when I still lived in Scotland? Definitely not. However, it was my first group art exhibition after plunging myself fully into the art world and I had the feeling of being free and that anything could happen.  Around this time I also remember being commissioned to paint the Eiffel Tower and write in the sky "L'amour c'est l'amour", "Love is Love". For that to be one of my first commissions after leaving my permanent position as a French teacher was a massive sign to me that I was on the right path.  

Between February 2022 and June 2023 I continued to work on my art business and also as a supply teacher in Scotland. I think one of the things I struggled most with during this period was the feeling of being in-between two roles, neither being a teacher nor an artist. Looking back, this was probably down to a mixture of things, but primarily a lack of confidence in what was a relatively new world for me. I was making a difference, but I wasn't allowing myself to see it yet and I was a little impatient too. Fast forward to 2024 I would now say the process is the best part.  I hear stories of people working on businesses for years and years until they finally feel 'a success', as well as people that start and fail and start again. There are people that don't start until much 'later' in life. In my eyes a lot of this is all relative as I believe that we are all on our own timelines.

In addition to my workshops I have been fortunate enough to create five murals, and many more commissions. I have also taken part in Art Battles, two in London and one in Brighton. I hope to take part in many more!  The first of these took place in London, February 2023 whilst I was still living in Scotland. This experience of London, would lead me to move to the capital in August 2023. It would also lead me to a full-time teaching position in a secondary school in London. I taught French there between September 2023 and July 2024. Was it tough? In a word, yes. It has however given me a boost in confidence and a gentle nudge in the direction that I want to go.

Throughout all this time it has become very clear to me that it is the people that are involved in art that are the most important thing, not necessarily the artwork. Without a strong connection to people, the art kind of loses it's power, that's my theory anyway! Art certainly still has a hold on me. Where do I find myself now? Having worked full time as a teacher for the last academic year, I have lots of ideas spinning around in my head. This was also partly due to an exhibition in St Matthew's Church, Perth in August 2024 where I was able to reconnect with clients, meet new people, have lots of discussions and have plenty of time to reflect. 

​My desire to create things has not diminished, in fact it has grown stronger. If you have even a little desire to create something, just start. You'll never know what you will make, or where you will end up. I have ended up in London, a city full of opportunity, inspiration, challenge and people from all walks of life.

Art is for everyone and everyone is an artist, with their own perspective on life.

​(updated 11.09.2024) 








​What's yours? I find it fascinating that everybody has a different story. Everybody has their own way of looking at the world. Everyone has their own unique perspective and experience.  For me, this means you can learn from anyone. 


Through my own experience I have learnt that people can offer you support and guidance, although if you want to make something happen you need to do it for yourself. You can write your own story and write your own narrative. What's my story so far?

My first memory that springs to mind when I think of my artistic journey is drawing on the underside of the kitchen table when I was a child, or was that last week?! I can't remember if my parents were happy about this or if they even knew but I'm hoping to visit their house soon! This is one of the aspects that I enjoy about art, being playful and creative. 

My time in secondary school as a pupil was very mixed for me but art lessons were what I looked forward to. I didn't know why at the time but they were a safe haven for me.  I did a lot of work and projects while studying art at school, but the project that I keep coming back to in my mind was studying the work of Cy Twombly. Again, I probably didn't know why I was so drawn to him as an artist at that time. Towards the end of secondary school my interest in education dropped massively as I pondered the 'big' one. What did I want to do with my life? I'm writing this with no regrets as all my life choices and experiences have led me to this point now, but a little more self-confidence back then wouldn't have gone a miss!


I had an offer from the Winchester School of Art to study there in 2009, but I wasn't quite ready to back myself in an industry that is perceived as being more 'risky'. The decision was made to study languages at university and then I went on to train to be a French teacher.  Like I said, there are no regrets. I was pushed way outside my comfort zone living in France, learning a new language and then going on to teach French and Spanish in secondary school. I had no idea I would end up back in school, having had such a love hate relationship with it, when I was a pupil myself.  

I can vaguely remember going to an art exhibition in Edinburgh during university and teacher training. My guess would be 2013. It's worth noting that I wasn't really in a great place mentally at this time and I was doing my best to keep myself afloat. Walking around the exhibition I got quite upset and had a feeling of hopelessness and envy as I thought I could be doing things like this.


At this point, I had barely picked up a paintbrush since school, so I had know idea what I was thinking. That experience did push me to start painting and drawing again. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but that decision helped me get through the stresses and anxieties of teacher training and life. It also helped me express a lot of unwanted and negative emotion, without me even knowing it! Over the following years, art would become more and more prominent in my life. I painted sporadically between 2013 and 2020, nothing too sustained though, only when I needed it for a release. During this time I also started to work on myself. It has been interesting for me to look back at my art and to compare it with what was happening in my life at various times.

2021 was my most consistent year of creating art and I've continued that momentum at the start of 2022. I would describe my current style as mixed. In short, I paint and draw what I feel, to express myself or to evoke a memory. My subjects include landscapes, real or imagined, abstracts, particularly sunsets and also expressionist pieces, which often include collages of my own sketches, words and cuttings from my journals. I have also started to incorporate French and Spanish words, as I draw upon my life experiences to date. 

At the end of 2021, I returned to the same exhibition I visited in 2013. The major difference being, this time I was in a much better mental place.  I walked round in amazement at all the pieces on display, looking at the breadth of talent and also the stories behind the work. For me, this moment showed how far I had come. Instead of standing there with a feeling of hopelessness like I did in 2013, I stood there with a feeling of hope about the next chapter of my artistic story. 


(updated 07.02.2022)










I am self-taught Artist based in Scotland. I love getting outside and exploring with my sketchbook and paintbrushes. I find being outdoors and creating something are great for my mental health. I'm currently looking for a new pair of boots for my upcoming birthday so I'm hoping that will encourage me to get out even more. 


I experiment with different mediums and styles and have continued to do that since rediscovering my paintbrushes whilst training as a French teacher. I didn't realise this at the time but producing art helped me get through a stressful year of training. Mental health shouldn't be overlooked and is why I'm donating to the Scottish Association for Mental Health. 

I am currently producing abstracts of the Forth Rail Bridge and painting scenes from Scotland. This year (2021) I will continue to paint in acrylic and oil paint and will try to get outdoors as much as I can! Scotland is a great place to do it and it gives me great ideas for my art.


You can read my blog to read about my art, my process, the places that inspire me and perhaps a little more.

You can also see what I have for sale here


(updated 05.01.2021)


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